Samherji Chooses Scantrol ISYM
In 2007 Icelandic fishing company Samherji upgraded their vessel “Kristina” with iSYM trawl control. Three years of outstanding performance have convinced the company. An additional five of the company’s trawlers will now be equipped with Scantrol iSYM.
The agreement to upgrade another five vessels from Samherji with Scantol iSYM was settled in May this year. The decision was made after three years of successful operations of the system together with the low pressure hydraulic winches on ”Kristina”.
The trawlers that will be upgraded with Scantrol iSYM are ”Björgvin”, ”Arctic Warrior”, ”Marbella” and ”Polonys”. The system will also be installed on a fifth trawler but it has yet to be decided which one this will be.
Amongst Iceland’s leading companies
Samherji operates a powerful fleet of fishing vessels, both freezer and fresh fish trawlers. The trawlers fish demersal fish and pelagic species within and outside Icelandic territorial waters, controlling a significant volume of fishing quota. Due to a strong emphasis on technical development and economy of operation these vessels are usually amongst those of highest total catch.
In addition to its operations on Iceland the company participates in the fishing industry of the Faroe Islands, Germany, Poland, United Kingdom, Morocco and Mauretania.
iSYM standard for hydraulic winches
The successful performance of Scantrol iSYM together with the low pressure hydraulic winches on “Kristina” is confirmed by similar experiences on other vessels with the same type of winches.
Scantrol has developed a standardised system for controlling low pressure hydraulic winches and has over a period of five years equipped more than a hundred low pressure hydraulic winch vessels with iSYM trawl control. After upgrading from Synchro to Scantrol iSYM they all report a significant improvement of the fisheries due to improved control of the trawl.