Scantrol News

Meet our new International Sales Manager, Suzy Zhu.
Scantrol is excited to introduce our new International Sales Manager, Suzy Zhu.
Welcome to the Scantrol Team Suzy, we look forward to work with you!

Hydramec & Scantrol Provide Bespoke AHC Basket LARS to AKOFS Offshore
Once again, Hydramec and Scantrol have teamed up to supply a bespoke Active Heave Compensated (AHC) launch and recovery system (LARS) to AKOFS Offshore. The LARS will be used for subsea basket deployment.

Scantrol will supply AHC for electric C-LARS winches
Scantrol AS is pleased to announce a new cooperation with C-LARs LLC, a Texas based manufacturing company, for the supply of control systems including Active Heave Compensation (AHC). The contract was signed at OTC Houston in early May.

Hydramec & Scantrol Provide Equipment for Endurance
Hydramec and Scantrol are honoured to have worked together once again to supply bespoke subsea winches to facilitate the Endurance22 expedition.

Christmas Greetings From Scantrol and Scantrol Deep Vision
2021 may not have been the year and resolution we all hoped for but we hope you have spent the time building a strong foundation for the years to come. We know how hard you have worked this year and hope you will have a holiday season of well-deserved rest!