Scantrol News

Scantrol og Deep Vision Omtale i Kystmagasinet
I årets første utgave av Kystmagasinet kan man lese om hva Scantrol og Scantrol Deep Vision gjør for ivareta et effektivt og miljøvennlig trålfiske.

Skippers’ Meeting Guides New Trawl Technology
Following the Nor-Fishing Innovation Award won by Scantrol Deep Vision, trawl skippers and technology innovators in the business gathered for a two-day seminar in Bergen in November. On the agenda was the development of tomorrow’s catching technology.

Scantrol Featured In The News
Sysla.no has published an article about Scantrol after our 2013 record year. – It is only fair that the employees receive their share of the profit, comments managing director Helge Hammersland about the Scantrol employees’ 100.000 kroner bonus.