Scantrol News

Season’s Greetings From Scantrol 2014
Scantrol wishes you all our best for the holiday season and the coming new year.

Scantrol Featured In The News
Sysla.no has published an article about Scantrol after our 2013 record year. – It is only fair that the employees receive their share of the profit, comments managing director Helge Hammersland about the Scantrol employees’ 100.000 kroner bonus.

Low-Pressure Specialist Thorleifur Back At Scantrol
On his first day back at Scantrol, Thorleifur “Leifi” Gislason went directly to Iceland to install Scantrol’s iSYM Triple Trawl system. Thorleifur’s expertise in low-pressure hydraulics means the Scantrol team is strengthening its expertise in control systems for modern fishing vessels.

Scantrol Supports The Church City Mission
The Church City Mission wishes to meet those who are lonely in the midst of a crowd, to see the individual and give help and support when they feel the need. Through deeds The City Mission wishes to contribute towards making people feel wanted and respected.

Scantrol Focuses On Control Systems For Marine And Subsea
Scantrol is a Bergen-based control system specialist developing class-leading solutions for monitoring, control and vision systems. With a well established history for marine, offshore and research vessels, the company is now focusing its expertise on control systems for the buoyant subsea market.

Keep Up To Date With Scantrol’s New YouTube Channel
Visit Scantrol’s new YouTube channel to keep up to date with our latest videos.
See our Active Heave Compensation (AHC) system in action in a video taken underwater at a depth of 2330 meters and keep up to date with the latest developments of our Deep Vision project.