Scantrol News

Scantrol Support System Tuned For The Future
The ability to assist customers through remote support has been essential for Scantrol’s products for years. During the Covid-19 lock-down period Scantrol has been working to combine remote support with other online tools for efficient interaction with customers.

Scantrol And Scantrol Deep Vision Partners In New Innovation Centre
Scantrol and Scantrol Deep Vision are part of the newly awarded Centre for Research-based Innovation (SFI) CRIMAC. arine resource mapping can become more efficient and reliable.

Covid 19 Update
Scantrol continuously monitors the development of the COVID-19 situation. Our focus is on the well-being of our employees, customers and partners, and we are taking the necessary precautions in order to ensure the best possible outcome.

Scantrol is Now a Member Of GCE Ocean Technology
Scantrol is proud to become a member of GCE Ocean Technology.

Scantrol Welcomes Our New Business Development Manager for Subsea
Frode has over 23 years of extensive experience in subsea and offshore operations. He started his career in 1997 offshore operating ROV and AUV systems at Geoconsult, later he spent three years at DOF Subsea at various technical and project related positions.

Christmas Greetings From Scantrol
Scantrol wishes you all the best for the holiday season and a prosperous New Year. As a tradition, we make a donation on behalf of the company, and our partners and customers who support us through the year.

New Research Vessels Choose Combination Of Scantrol AHC And ISYM Autotrawl
The new Swedish oceangoing research vessel R/V Svea is fully equipped with Scantrol control systems for the electrical Ibercisa trawl and research winches onboard.

Chinese Director Of Fisheries Visits Scantrol
A Chinese delegation in the country to connect with the fisheries science community, dropped a visit at Scantrol. On the agenda was the recent orders of iSYM to two new Chinese research vessels, and the Deep Vision technology that has spurred considerable interest in the research community of their home country.

“Businessman Of The Year 2016” Title To Heinrich Jessen
Scantrol contratulates Heinrich Jessen, Board member and shareholder in Scantrol and Chairman of Jebsen & Jessen (South-east Asia) with the title of “2016 Businessman of the Year” in Singapore.

Ibercisa To Supply Deck Machinery For New Norwegian Pelagic Vessel
Scantrol congratulates Ibercisa Deck Machinery with signing the contract for the supply of deck machinery onboard the new Norwegian pelagic vessel Ostervold.

We Welcome Nor Marine As Our New Chinese Distributor
China has been, and will continue to be a target market for Scantrol in the future. The company recently signed an agreement with a new distributor in China in order to be even more present in the market.

Scantrol og Deep Vision Omtale i Kystmagasinet
I årets første utgave av Kystmagasinet kan man lese om hva Scantrol og Scantrol Deep Vision gjør for ivareta et effektivt og miljøvennlig trålfiske.

Christmas Greetings From Scantrol 2016
Scantrol wishes you all the best for the holiday season and the New Year. This Christmas our support goes to WWF for their work on climate change and to secure the future of our oceans and natural resources.

Skippers’ Meeting Guides New Trawl Technology
Following the Nor-Fishing Innovation Award won by Scantrol Deep Vision, trawl skippers and technology innovators in the business gathered for a two-day seminar in Bergen in November. On the agenda was the development of tomorrow’s catching technology.

New Phone System
Scantrol is installing a new phone system. If you are experiencing any trouble getting through to us, please try again or send us an e-mail at info@scantrol.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Scantrol Deep Vision Wins Innovation Award
Scantrol congratulates Scantrol Deep Vision, the sister company, with the Innovation Award at Nor-Fishing 2016. For more information about Deep Vision please visit www.deepvision.no

Merry Christmas From Scantrol
Scantrol wishes you all the best for the holiday season and the coming new year. We are very much looking forward to continuing our collaboration with you in 2016.

New 24/7 Technical Support: +47 9909 9903
As being one of four core activities, giving good customer support is essential for Scantrol. The company is now strengthening the Service Department by increasing the capacity in order to deliver optimal support 24/7.